Recently, Brian was asked by the JAH to make his article "Oil for Living" part of their select "On Teaching" modules. Here is the link to the article and extension activities: JAH "Oil for Living"
Parts of Books
Lifset, Robert, ed. "The Consumer's Hand Made Visible: Consumer Culture in American Petroleum Consumption of the 1970s," American Energy Policy in the 1970s. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013.
Morrone, M. and G.L. Buckley, eds. "A Legacy of Extraction: Ethics in the Energy Landscape of Appalachia." Mountains of Injustice: Environmental and Social Equality in Appalachia. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2011.
Douglas Cazaux Sackman, ed. "Energy and Transportation." COMPANION TO AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY. NY: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Chris Pearson, Peter Coates, and Time Cole, eds. "Addressing the Nature of Gettysburg." Militarized Landscapes: From Gettysburg to Salisbury Plain. London: Continuum, 2010.
Rudy Abramson and Jean Haskell , eds. "TVA and Conservation." The Encyclopdedia of Appalachia. University of Tennessee Press, 2006.
Henderson, Henry. "The Complex Environmentalis: FDR and the Ethos of New Deal Conservation" and "Referendum on Planning: Imaging River Conservation in the 1938 TVA Hearings." FDR and the Environment. London: Palgraeve, 2005.
Cutler Cleveland, et al., eds. "Energy Development on Public Lands in the United States." Encyclopedia of Energy. New York: Elsevier Press, 2004.
Shepherd Kretch, John R. McNeill, and Carolyn Merchant, eds. "Suburbs" and Nuclear Power." Encyclopedia of World Environmental History. New York: Routledge Press, 2003.
Authored with Bryn Varley. Cynthia A. Mills, editor. "Contesting the Sacred: Historic Preservation in Richmond Virginia." Monuments to the Lost Cause: Women, Art, and the Confederate Tradition. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2001.
Gerald Horne and Mary Young, eds. "Rural Utopianism and DuBois' Quest of the Silver Fleece." The W.E.B. DuBois Encyclopedia. New York: Greenwood, 2001.
Michel Conan, ed. "Organic Planning: Ecology and Design in the Landscape of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1930-45." Environmentalism in Landscape Architecture. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 2001.
Dennis Domer, ed. "Mastering the Kaw: The Bowersock Dam and the Development of Lawrence Industry." Lawrence on the Kaw: A Historical and Cultural Anthology. Lawrence: University of Kansas, Office of Continuing Education, 2001.
Selected Journal and On-line Publications
Black, Brian C. "The Nature of Preservation: The Rise of Authenticity at Gettysburg." Civil War History, special issue on "Civil War and the Environment," Spring 2012.
Black, Brian C. "Oil for Living: Petroleum and American Mass Consumption." Journal of American History, special issue on "Oil in American Life," Spring 2012. Editors: Tyler Priest, Univ of Houston; Karen Merrill, Williams College; and Brian Black, Penn State Altoona.
Black, Brian C. and Robert Lifset. "Imaging the Devil's Excrement: Big Oil in Petroleum Cinema, 1940-2007." Journal of American History, special issue on "Oil in American Life," Spring 2012. Editors: Tyler Priest, Univ of Houston; Karen Merrill, Williams College; and Brian Black, Penn State Altoona.
“When the Sea Brought Light to the Land.” Sea Stories: an International Journal of Art and Writing, Blue Ocean Institute, Estival 2007 issue: http://www.seastories.org/estival2007/entries/black.html
“Addressing the Nature of Gettysburg: ‘Addition and Detraction’ in Preserving an American Shrine.” RECONSTRUCTION, on-line international journal of contemporary culture, (refereed) Winter 2006. http://reconstruction.eserver.org/Issues/072/black.shtml
“Thickening Our Stories: Models for Using Enviro Hist. As Context,” The History Teacher, published by Society for History Education, Winter 2004. http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ht/37.1/black.html
“Brian Black on the Copse at Gettysburg,” Environmental History, Summer 2004.
"A Triumph of Individualism": The Rule of Capture and the Ethic of Extraction in Pennsylvania's Oil Boom. Pennsylvania History, special issue on Environment and History, Winter 1999.
Oil Creek as Industrial Apparatus: Recreating the Industrial Process through the Landscape of Pennsylvania's Oil Boom, Environmental History, special issue on Petroleum History, Summer 1998.
Recalling the Unalterable Order of Nature: Photographs and Pennsylvania's Oil Boom, Pennsylvania History, special issue on Photography and History, Summer 1997.
Delusions of Permanence: The Technological Sublime and the Appeal of the World's First Oil Boom. OASIS Working paper series in American Studies, University of Odense, Denmark, 1995.
Authority in the Valley: TVA in Wild River and the Popular Media, 1930-1940. Journal of American Culture, Summer 1995.
Petrolia: A Sacrificial Landscape of American Industrialization. Landscape, Spring, 1994.
Mastering the Kaw: The Bowersock Dam and the Development of Lawrence Industry. Kansas History,Winter 1994. Finalist for Edgar Langsdorf Award for Excellence in Writing.
The Legacy of the Lands: Linking the Frontier to Contemporary America Through Film. Journal of the West, January 1992.
Encyclopedia articles have appeared in:
American Cities and Suburbs: An Encyclopedia (1994)
Articles for a General Audience:
Christian Science Monitor. Book reviews/essays, 2004 to the present.
“Getting a Move On: Altoona, PA's Place in History” (co-authored with PJ Sleber), PENNSYLVANIA LEGACIES, 2004.
USA TODAY. “Country forgets an old Big Oil lesson, and Enron results. February 27, 2002. authored with Patricia Limerick.
Op. Ed.s appear in the Altoona Mirror.
Book Review Essays
Beyond Nature’s Nation: The Emergence of a Global Environmental Policy, American Studies, Summer/Fall 2000.
The Wild, Wild East: A Literary Review of Adirondack Scholarship, Environmental History, Spring 2000.
Construction Sites: Environment, Region and Technology in Historical Stories, Technology and Culture, Summer 1999.
From Nature's Nation to Shamu on a Stick, American Quarterly, Summer 1999.
Cultural Geography and Environmental History, Environmental History Winter 1996.
Book reviews have appeared in Environmental History, American Studies, Pennsylvania History, Technology and Culture, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, The American Neptune: A Quarterly Journal of Maritime History, Enterprise and Society, and the Journal of American History.